Preparing for Your First TCM Acupuncture Consultation
Not sure what to expect for your first visit? Not to worry! We are here right there with you on your journey to finding your rhythm.
Allow yourself some you time.
Appointments can vary from 60 mins to 90 mins depending on initial or follow-up consultations. We do recommend a 90 minute consultation for your first visit to create a comprehensive profile. This allows us to refine a treatment plan that is tailored for you, whether you have mild, complex or multiple conditions. Your appointment is also not shared time with other clients, you are my priority in your timeslot. My clinic door is external and we have a little space of our own.
Wear loose comfortable clothing, you will eventually have a designated “Acupuncture Outfit”
Your First Visit
Prepare forms prior to visit.
We want to see you utilise your full appointment so please complete the Medical History form. We are paperless, If we have to ask for these to be completed when you arrive it will impact the time we have for your consultation and treatment or other clients appointment reservations.
Eat small for optimal results.
In order to avoid any discomfort, Samantha (your registered acupuncturist) recommends having a light meal and some water a few hours prior to treatment. After treatment drink plenty of water and if it is possible, take some time to rest.

Let’s walk you through your first visit.
Acupuncturist's ask a lot of questions; some questions may be relevant to your presenting condition and others will seem irrelevant. However, what your Acupuncturist is doing is forming a picture that will lead to a diagnosis from a Chinese Medicine point of view, the in-depth questions will confirm a pattern or lead to further questions. Questions are very thorough, however the more information that we gain, the more we may be able to delve into the root (cause) of an imbalance that is specific to you. The information that is presented to us forms the branches arising from this picture. I require some help in this area, your full participation in answering the questions in an honest open manner in the end is more beneficial to your treatment outcome.
We look at your tongue and may do so several times as there is much information the tongue tells us. Just remember we do prefer you not to brush your tongue prior to your visit.
The pulse is then taken on both wrists for some time, this is in no way the same as a medical practitioner or your watch monitoring your pulse, it is very different. At any stage of tongue or pulse-taking, several other questions may be asked.
Depending on whether your condition is deemed Acute (very recent) or Chronic (had for a while) a treatment plan will be determined. The frequency of appointments and time frames may differ in every individual, and you can discuss this with your Practitioner.
Like everything in life, Acupuncture is a process that requires patience as we all present in a different way, so this means we all respond to treatments at a different pace.